Friday, December 02, 2005

The End of Religion?

The rise of the "Religious Right" might actually be a sign of the end of religion as we now know it, rather than a sign of the "End Times."
And when I say "Religious Right," I am including all of the world's major religions.
Why would I say this?
Because strident voices are frightened voices. As Shakespear would say, "Me thinks they protest too much."
But the more serious problem and why I suspect the major religions are set for a big fat fall, is because none of them are doing a damn thing for their people here and now.
Their focus is on some sort of after-life where the good get their reward and the bad get their just punishment.
This may or may not be true. Who knows? We are talking belief, not knowledge.
But even if it is true - or maybe more importantly if it is true - doesn't it make sense to care about the treatment of people right here and now?
What about the Golden Rule, Love, Forgiveness, Feeding the Hungry, Judge not lest You be Judge?
And yet, what do we have?
Let's go out and condemn someone! Let's punish someone! Let's prove we are the good guys and we have every right to torture and execute the bad guys!
It will not work. It never has and never will.
Sorry! But if you believe in a divinity, any divinity, I think you need to start with a little humility and admit you just don't know.
Would Heaven turn out to be Hell for those who thought they were the good guys and ended up having to share eternity with those they condemned here on Earth? I mean, what happens if everyone gets to go to Heaven? Then what?


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