Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Saving the Environment

Just about everybody says they want to save the environment, stop global warming, save the polar bears, reduce polution, etc.
Really? I wonder.
Saving the environment in all its forms is beginning to remind of the War on Poverty. Remember that war, the one that has been almost as successful as the War on Drugs and sure to be as successful at the War on Terrorism.
I think all of these 'wars' are fought with the best of intentions, especially the War on Poverty and the War to save the Environment. But there is a problem. It's called "human nature."
In the case of efforts to save the environment, in my view, all efforts are doomed to failure if the basic problem is not recognized and dealt with. I am talking about the continued growth in the human population.
Every additional human equals more and more consumption of everything. As the bad guy in the Matrix movies so cruelly noted, humans are the disease. "We have met the enemy and the enemy is us," said Pogo, a cartoon character.
What I most fear is that we will do nothing, be like a cancerous growth, and stop growing only after we kill off our host.

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