Vampire Lady gets religion

The Vampire Lady Gets Religion
I was recently at a blog where the issue being discussed was Anne Rice switching from vampires to Jesus. There was some debate about her motives. Was she truly "finding Jesus" or was she just jumping on the "Christian Right" bandwagon? Who cares!? I probably won't read her new book because if I want to read about Jesus, I'll read the Gospels or I will read theologians. I guess, in a way, Anne is digging in the same dirt as did Mel Gibson with his "Passion of Christ." And since Mel was looking to attract the Christian Right, Mel ended up fudging the sex and laying the violence on with heavy doses of blood. Fudging the sex? But of course! Or didn't you know that crucifixion was meant not only to kill but also to humiliate. Most who were crucified were crucified in the nude. And oh dear! But how that would have offended the good people of the Christian Right if Mel had showed the actor playing Jesus on a cross without a stitch of clothing on. But it wasn't always so. Michelangelo crafted a crucifix with the naked Jesus because he knew the truth and so did the Church in his time.
Hi KleinPete. Just discovered your blog from a comment you left on a post about your novel.
I'd like to clear up one thing about Anne Rice. I've followed her closely over the years. She grew up Catholic and has dealt with many religious issues in her vampire novels. Her faith really seemed to resurface when her husband was dying of cancer. As for her reasons, she in no way wrote her Jesus novel to jump on the religious right bandwagon. She's a Democrat and a leftie through and through and was a major and very public supporter of John Kerry's presidential campaign.
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