Sunday, December 25, 2005

Cigarettes cause Global Warming

I have my doubts about global warming. Maybe yes. Maybe no. I have seen too many incorrect weather statistics for where I live, know that even accurate statistics can be missleading because of the change in the environment of the location (fewer trees and more pavement) where statistics are recorded and the simple fact that even semi-accurate statistics have not been around for all that long - all adding up to give doubt to what the doomsayers are saying.
There is also the problem of the doomsayers being as changeable as the weather.
In the early 50's, I remember a guy on the Today Show saying that if the weather continued to warm the way it was warming then, palm trees would be growing in Central Park within ten years.
In the mid 70's, another doomsayer was saying the current weather trend would soon land us in an ice age.
Now we are back to palm trees in Central Park.
The so called "crazy weather" of the 50's was usually blamed on the testing of atomic bombs. Now the blame is on "green house gases."
It should not be long before cigarettes are added to the list of what is causing global warming. Why not when cigarettes are blamed for just about every evil in the world today.
But really, what do we know? Some even go along with global warming and then suggest global warming will be the cause of the next ice age.
If you think about it, maybe the best way to lower green house gases - whether or not they are causing global warming - is to go with the idea of the current warming being the cause of the next ice age.
The way I figure it, more people would demand the reduction of greenhouse gases under the fear of the next ice age, than there are those who are worried about palm trees growing in Central Park.


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