Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Naughty words

I read the other day where PBS is worried about airing the Ken Burns documentary on WW II. Seems as though there will be some raunchy language used by the Greatest Generation and PBS fears they could be fined by the FCC if the program is aired in prime time.
Oh dear! We must protect the public from sex and naughty words. But when the blood of war is on the agenda, as President Bush would say, "Bring it on!"
Are we a stupid people or what?
If parents want to shield their little ones from sex and nasty words, that is not only their right but their duty.
But that right and duty is neither the right nor the duty of those in public office.
I get PO'd over the government deciding what is appropriate. Secrets, secrets, secrets seems to be the mantra of the current regime. Must protect the public. If God wanted to protect the public, we would all be deaf, dumb and blind. Is that the roll of government - to protect the public by making it deaf, dumb and blind?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

5:54 AM  

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