Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sneaking into Bagdad

n today's news, it was widely reported that Defense Secretary Rice arrived in Bagdad unannounced.
Ever notice how all our fearless leaders arrive in Bagdad unannounced?
Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why the press doesn't say, "So and so snuck into Bagdad because they are chicken-shit."
Maybe they believe their lives are more important than "our brave troops" they are always talking about.
Do you think so?
Are the lives of our leaders so precious while the lives of the troops are expendable?
I would think that is exactly what our leaders believe, based on how they are always sneaking here and sneaking there.
How did we get here? How did we come to the point where the average citizen is supposed to tell all and show all to those who tell nothing and hide everything.
Why should we bend over, touch our toes and spread our cheeks while those in government classify everything "Top Secret" and sneak and spy and do everything that would put us in jail?
Why do we trust a government that doesn't trust us?
I think our troops should leave Bagdad unannounced.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The lure of vampires

The lure of vampires (or why they remain popular in books and movies) is, I believe, more about staying young in appearance than it is about not dying. After all, in many vampire stories, vampires get killed at ages younger than they would die of natural causes.
Youth and good looks is really what the attraction is. I am certain no one would want to become a vampire if they were to become one when old and looking old. The older, the less the attraction to becoming a vampire.
So, here we reach the deep level of attraction - sex: to be sexual, to be attractive so as to be sexual, long beyond old age.
The bottom line in the attraction is sexual. No other creature in horror stories is as sexual as the vampire.