Monday, January 02, 2006

Time to build the guillotines?

One of my strongest held beliefs is that our minds are attuned to what might be called a universal mind or, the way I prefer to view it, our minds float within a stew of ideas that includes the ideas of others.

This idea floated to the surface today when I read an editorial in the NY Times. I forget the exact title of the editorial, but the title included the name of Marie Antoinette. You remember her of French Revolution fame, the queen who is reported to have responded when she heard the peasants didn't even have bread eat, "Let them eat cake." And we know what happened to her!

Could it happen here?

It seems to be happening, at least the lead up, with how the poor and middle class are falling behind the rich.

To quote just one sentence from the Times article, "If the minimum wage had advanced at the same rate as chief executive compensation since 1990, America's bottom-of-the-barrel working poor would be enjoying salad days, with legal wages at $23.03 an hour instead of $5.15."

Are the rich in this country wise? Will a word to the wise be sufficient?

One would hope so. But probably not because part of the problem is how people always think the rich are people who are making more money than they are. Undoubtedly, there are people in the entertainment media, including those in professional sports, who are making millions but who choose to believe they belong to the middle class.

Who knows? Only time will tell. But the days of a French styled revolution could be in the cards for the top ten percent in this country.

Anyone interested in mass producing guillotines for the pending occasion? You could become rich, especially if you contract to build them cheaply in China.


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