Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I See Where

I see where our senators have begun questioning the next Supreme Court judge. I have only one observation. It seems to me these nominees to the Supreme Court would all be guilty of contempt of court if they were in a court room instead of a hearing. With their constant refusal to answer questions, one should wonder where they get off throwing people in prison for not answering their questions.
I see where a guy on the winter Olympics team is being barred from competition because he used a hair restoration drug. The goody-two-shoes who head the Olympic Federation say the hair restoration drug has the potential to mask illegal drugs. What I want to know is what is the brand name of this hair restoration drug so I can use it if I ever decide to use illegal drugs.
Which brings me to New York State thinking of adding an additonal $1 to the price of cigarettes in the state's goody-two-shoe effort to help smokes stop smoking - so they argue.
Is it possible, dare I suggest, the campaign to get people to stop smoking is based upon top secret information that there is a chemical in cigarettes that counteracts against a drug the government has put in food and drinking water, the purpose of which is to drug people into being good little consumers who don't question the motives or actions of the federal government and large corporations?
Who knows where evil lurks in government and big business?


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